International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2024
A Happy International Day of Persons with Disabilities to my son, Halen

Sydney Smith
Special Education
A Happy International Day of Persons with Disabilities to my son, Halen
My dear friend, Virginia Spencer, Special Education Advocate from Austin joined me in Philadelphia these past 5 days to see the sights around town
It was this sweet man’s birthday this past weekend and he loved the attention!! Non speaking does not mean non verbal
Another fitting post for autism acceptance month… My son has been in a lot of pain lately and we are trying to rule out where the pain is coming from
Ladies and gents..... look at this absolutely gorgeous young man
Last night I took my children out and about in the city for our usual Christmas in NYC traditions... One of our traditions is the light show at SAKS fifth avenue. There is always a crowd
I spent the last 3 days in hospital with my severely autistic son (on his 12th birthday) as he’s been unwell with severe headaches for months and his behaviors have escalated because of this
Let’s talk about inclusion and how exposing our children with various sensory isssues to many different inclusive settings helps them learn and be included with their neurotypical peers.
Non-verbal participation at its finest… A reminder that just because a person may not use their mouth to speak it does not mean
Being a mom of an 11.5 year old young man who is currently a non-speaker and who holds a Level 3 (“severe”) autism diagnosis I have learnt a lot and am still learning on a daily basis
My nearly 14 year daughter was chatting to me about her project for her civics and economics class - she picked “the problem with special education” as a topic
Just found out today that my son’s school took his daily mandated 30 mins of speech away and he has not been receiving speech due to “scheduling issues”
This is a shout out to the New York City Special Education Hearing Officers (SPED Judges) and the NYC Department of Education (“DOE”) attorneys and representatives who supported and accommodated me
As many of my network know, my son, Halen, has severe non-verbal autism and encounters many struggles on a day-to-day basis. Our whole family is impacted by
Today my friend and colleague came to visit from Austin Texas for an upcoming conference. We met for lunch in NYC then had dinner on the Jersey Shore with my husband and son