"I will not give up on you.."


Another fitting post for autism acceptance month…
My son has been in a lot of pain lately and we are trying to rule out where the pain is coming from.
Currently, non-verbal, it is extremely difficult for my son to tell us what is hurting him.
Last night as I tucked my son into bed I told him “I just want you to remember I’m never giving up on you.. I know you are hurting and I’m on the case.”
Apart from my son’s self injurious behaviors and crying, lethargy and staying in his room, he’s also dropping weight. My son has a bunch of great Doctors trying to find the route of his unwellness and we are very close… I just know it!
Is it super hard as a parent or caregiver when our children are going through a difficult time? Absolutely!! But it is much harder for our children who are in pain.
So please take this as a reminder to remind our children we are forever in their corner (when it seems like very few people are) and say those words that I said last night to my son… “I will never give up on you.”
As I said those words I thought my son was going to cry and it made me sad for a minute.. our kids rely on us and we are their world so let’s remind ourselves as hard as it is on us, it does not even come close to how hard it is for our kiddos, especially those with high needs.