Let's talk about inclusion


Let’s talk about inclusion and how exposing our children with various sensory isssues to many different inclusive settings helps them learn and be included with their neurotypical peers.
My nearly 12 year old son could never sit down for more than 5 minutes because of the loud noises, the lights, the smells etc but here he is tonight sitting in a noisy manhattan restaurant because he wanted to participate with his sister and be included with our out of town friends.
We sat in that restaurant for more than an hour then we walked in noisy Times Square to a noisy Manhattan recording studio so I could practice singing songs (I’m no singer) for my upcoming birthday party with the band then walked home with me through those noisy streets.
This is a child who could not last more than 5 mins without one of us having to leave a restaurant with him in the past.
My post today is to remind everyone who either has children with my son’s extensive needs or works with someone like him to include our kiddos as much as you possibly can… Is it a lot of work and stress for the caregivers to try something new?? Hell yeah - but the reward it brings to be included with the rest of the family and friends is worth it.
It helped that I have a bunch of friends (back from my mommy group in Manhattan days) who love me and my kids and always try to include my son… Find those people…