Parents/Caregivers... you are getting noticed


I spent the last 3 days in hospital with my severely autistic son (on his 12th birthday) as he’s been unwell with severe headaches for months and his behaviors have escalated because of this.
During the course of our overnight stays, various Drs and nurses commented on what great parents my son had… they saw us hold our son down for procedures, have 0 sleep and just be of support to him with a lot of care and love.
Through the years, each time someone commented on what a great parent I was or made a statement that god gave my son to me because he knew I was special and could help him, whilst I’m thankful, my feelings are that everyone has their own bag to carry and I am just a parent caring for and loving her child.
This is a post for my fellow special needs community who care for children or adults with special needs because you need to hear this… you are getting NOTICED for all that you are! 👏❤️💪
I know my special needs child (who is super smart btw and a pure soul) made me a better person and free of judgement. But you know what, I (and you) were already a stellar person and any kiddo whether neurotypical or neurodivergent are lucky to have us!